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Viruses and Pregnancy

Please review the information below as it relates to viruses and vaccinations to be aware of during pregnancy.

Importance of Vaccinations During Pregnancy


Please see the SOGC PregnancyInfo website above for detailed information about routine screening tests in pregnancy, including: ultrasound, HIV screening and Group B Streptococcus screening.
The video above teaches the importance of getting vaccinated during your pregnancy

Pertussis Vaccination in Pregnancy

As of 2018, Health Canada now recommends that all pregnant women receive a vaccination for pertussis ("whooping cough") between 27-32 weeks pregnant to help protect themselves and their new baby against pertussis infection.
Pertussis Vaccination Info PDF
For more information regarding Pertussis and the Pertussis Vaccine, please see the information above from SOGC.
More Info On Vaccines During Pregnancy
 For information regarding the safety of this vaccine, please see the information from the SOGC above.

Other Viruses and Pregnancy

It is also common to be exposed to various viruses while pregnant.  Please see the following information from (from the UK) about several common viruses, including Varicella (chicken pox) and Parvovirus B19 (Fifth's disease, or "Slapped cheek" disease). Influenza is another common virus that vaccination can help protect both mother and child.
 Varicella (Chicken Pox) Info
For more information regarding Varicella (chicken pox) please see the information above from
Influenza Vaccine Info
Influenza is another common virus that vaccination can help protect both mother and child. For more information click the image above of the CDC.
 Parvovirus B19 Info
For more information regarding Parvovirus B19 (Fifth's disease, or "Slapped cheek" disease) please see the information above from
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